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This is such a wonderful find that I thought that it should be recorded for all time, something this special and old needs to be saved for the next generation.
I will try my best to decode the handwriting but being dyslexic and not that great at reading scripted writing I will really appreciate it if anyone that is looking at these pages and finds one of the many mistakes that I will make, if they can point me in the right direction or just let me know what they think the words that I have missed are, i would be very grateful.
Also… If anyone recognises any names in this book and can shed any light on the names, I would really like to hear from you, especially if you are able to send me any copies of old photos of these people that once stayed at Axnfel in Laxey, either during the time of this Visitors Book or even when it was a Youth Hostel much later in its life.
This is going to take me years! Especially as I am in the middle of fighting Cancer…
But I will complete it someday, I try to do a few lines a day, work permitting, so please bair with me.
Also if anyone has any information regarding any of the names in this book I would be very interested in hearing from them.
Thanks for your patience. James