Mum and Daughter Delduca

We arrived today to find Jill sonked, but was soon awake on hearing Sue’s voice, and soon demanding a newer drink, the original ones may have been only 30 minutes old but she knows what she wants and she gets it.

She has gone off the sheets that Elder Grange use and demanded some from home which sue has brought in, anything to keep Jill happy.

Still on the quest to find a food that she is happy to have, there was hope yesterday when Jill asked for some fresh fruit such as raspberries and blueberries, but they were still in there pot come the morning, todays test will be puréed chicken.

The doctor seems to think that the problem has been something wrong with her throat and water was going down the wrong hole, so with a slightly thicker water things seem back on track, the aim is to try and find something that she can eat without feeling sick that will hopefully start to fill her stomach and stop the acid that’s possibly making her feel as though she needs to be sick, if we can sort this out the she will hopefully get a bit stronger and then be on the mend.

The staff at Elder Grange do seem to be trying different things to get her eating again but I’m afraid that anything that has substance seems to be getting trapped in her mouth and making her feel sick so it’s off solids and on to smoothies, it’s now a hunt to find one that she likes, it’s getting better, but she’s feeling worn out after running around the place, not that she has the energy to leave her bed yet, there are good times when she has a good giggle and a happy moan about things, she knows she is becoming very stubborn but I think she deserves what ever she wants being the princess that she is.

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